
Sara Peden

Sara is a Registered Psychologist with expertise in

literacy difficulties and disabilities, including Dyslexia.


Address is in the SW community of Woodlands


Reading is the foundation needed for academic success and is central to lifelong learning and well-being. Sara specializes in early literacy acquisition and numeracy and is your ‘go to’ for related services.




Or go to the Contact page here for more options


Sara provides information about Reading and Dyslexia

Sara provides information about Reading and Dyslexia

REading/REading Difficulties/Dyslexia

Information about the science of reading and reading instruction. 

What can be done to make sure my child learns to read?

What can be done to make sure my child learns to read?


Other than beginning readers, the only new work Sara is taking on at this time is consultation and advocacy and on a fee for service basis.

Find out how much it will cost for assessment and/or intervention and how to keep costs manageable.

Find out how much it will cost for assessment and/or intervention and how to keep costs manageable.


See fees for consultation, assessment and intervention.


As well as being a Registered Psychologist in Alberta, Sara is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. She has specific expertise in the development and implementation of intervention plans and progress monitoring for individual learning needs. Sara is a member of the International Dyslexia Association and The Reading League. She has provided professional learning opportunities for teachers at Calgary City Teachers Convention and in Calgary public and charter schools, as well as for parents and professionals with Foothills Academy Society.

Sara's practice is not based on beliefs about what might work or philosophies of what should work. Her practice is based on the science of reading and what actually works for reading and reading instruction.

And don't forget to check out Sara's blog as well!

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