A legal advocate (a lawyer) helps when you have issues related to the legal system. An education advocate helps when you have issues related to the education system. As your advocate, I know the ‘system’, know what your child is entitled to, know how to make your case, know how to speak to the ‘establishment’, and I know how to be on your side. My knowledge and experience, combined with your love and your drive to get the best for your child, will lead to the best outcomes possible.
My involvement can be as simple as getting a quick sense of your story and helping you to draft an email, request, or complaint; or, it can be as involved as detailed case review, attending meetings with you, writing all correspondence, and walking you through a full board appeal (to get to the Minister of Education, if necessary).
Fees are $260 per hour, with time allotted to various tasks discussed in advance. Please contact me to discuss how to get the most out of the resources that you can make available.
I also provide workshops and ongoing professional learning to school staff and consultation to individuals. Professional learning for school staff can be delivered in person or online. Consultation to individuals can be in person, via Zoom call or in writing, as required.
Parents often request consultation services for the school which their child attends. This consultation can be to discuss assessment, intervention that has already taken place, program planning, and/or progress monitoring. Consultation is billed at the same rate as advocacy, assessment and program planning services ($260/hour).