I was really surprised how hard it was to sleep last night. I didn't feel nervous when I went to bed. It wasn't easy to get to sleep though. Maybe the idea of having people vote for you really is rather big stuff. Feels like it to me. During the night I woke up with a startle response, about every half hour. Kinda hyped up I guess. I don't think it was only a fear of sleeping through the alarm!
Well, what an interesting mixture of emotions during the course of the morning at City Hall! A little nervous (what if I forgot the nomination form - or spilled coffee on it or something?) and a little excited - press milling round, high energy in the room, and not just a little buzz all around. I felt the solemnity when swearing the truth of the statements on the nomination form. I felt the importance of the process when going through the technicalities of handing in papers, paying deposit, etc. Mostly I felt the passion of how much I want to contribute something good.
I needed a short rest after very little sleep last night, and woke up with a wicked headache - but you know what - there's still lots to do. Worked on the computer. Planned some stuff out. Talked to supporters and hoped I'd thanked my Carol(e)s properly! (I'm blessed to have two previous Trustees, Carol and Carole showing me the ropes and putting me through my paces.) End of the day now - and eager to get some rest and work through a full day tomorrow. So blessed to live in a place like this!
Wow - it's official!